Tuesday, November 6, 2018

According to Arnold, “absolutely the saddest thing in the world” is that the students at Arnolds school are
so poor that they have to use their parent's old geometry textbooks. Arnold says this to make the point
 that his family and his entire reserve is very poor and they can’t even afford their own textbooks. I
believe  that the implication for this statement is that he is thoroughly bothered by this because he
doesn't want to  be poor and to him, being poor is an embarrassment to him and his family. He is
ashamed of that and he  gets so mad that he throws a book at Mr.P. Arnold just wants to be a normal kid
physically and  economically. He never says this directly but it is clear that he is trying to get that point
across. It is even clearer if you pay attention to his drawings. Arnold is tired of being poor and he
explodes. That is what  Arnold thinks “absolutely saddest thing in the world” is.

1)Why does Arnold hate being poor so much? Use text quotes.

2)How does Arnold cope with his feelings/ why does he do this?
3)How does Arnold feel about school/ why?

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