The significance of friendship with Gordy for Junior is that they can consider each
other equals, for both of them do not really “fit in” to the school. If they stick
together they will be stronger and be able to face the challenges of school rather than
being alone and miserable. As we already know, Arnold is very lonely and is in
desperate need for a friend: “I just walked from class to class alone; I sat at lunch
alone; during PE I stood in the corner of the gym and played catch with myself.” (83).
And Gordy is a “freak for being in love with technology and books. So those two kids
are pretty much the least popular in the entire school and will need each other’s help if
they are going to “survive” high school.
When Arnold first goes to talk to Gordy about being friends, they each tried to
insult each other, almost like they didn’t want to be friends in the first place. But they
figured it out, and didn’t have that situation again. Do you think that this might happen
again, and they might be considered more of “frenemies” instead of just plain old friends?
How do you think people will treat them knowing that both of them are friends (Will they
call Arnold a “geek freak” or call Gordy an Indian)? Rowdy might have punched Arnold
in the face because of what he did, but maybe now he reconsidered and forgave Arnold.
How do you think that he will react to the fact that Arnold has moved on to what he will
probably consider a “technology freak”?
I feel like Arnold needs a new friend because i don't feel like Rowdy is a safe friend and Arnold may get beat up and rowdy is not a really good person. So Gordy really helps Arnold and gives him a new nice friend who he won't have to worry about getting beat up. He needs someone at Rearden because before he had no friends and was getting bullied so now he has someone to stick up for him.
ReplyDeleteI agree wit Malik saying that Arnold needs a new friend because he needs someone to have his back and stick up for him. Arnold and Rowdy were very different except that they both live in the Rez.
ReplyDeleteNow Arnold needs to find a friend at his new school, Reardon. I think this will be hard for him because he came here not knowing anyone and he does not know who to trust. Rowdy was not afraid of getting in fights and this made Arnold fear him sometimes. Gordy is someone Arnold does not need to fear because he helps him out first. -Riana
I believe that Gordy and Arnold will stay friends. Before Arnold interacted with Gordy, he was losing hope in a school that was supposed to promise hope and opportunities; “Okay, Mr. Sad Sack, how many ways are you going to tell us how depressed you were” (83)? When Arnold met Gordy, he realized that in order to achieve your dreams, it is crucial to be motivated and challenged. Gordy motivates and challenges Arnold, while Arnold acts as a friend for Gordy. Gordy shaped Arnold into a “joyous freak”, and without Gordy, Arnold would still have been lonely, depressed, and confused at Reardan. In conclusion, Gordy and Arnold will stay friends because they bring each other joy and help each other battle adversity.