Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Junior says that the night of the Winter Formal was one of the "best nights of his life." Why? Explain. Do you think it could be a great night, but also confusing for Junior at the same time? Why?---- Max B-P

When Junior and Penelope go to the Winter Formal as a couple, they, “danced every single dance”
(123) and had a great time.
Junior is also a bit confused because he was worried people would make fun of him, except it was
just the opposite when he walked into the party in his dad’s old polyester suit.
The baffling and awesome part for Junior was that Penelope liked the suit and because of that, the
whole school did as well.
The people who made fun of him and the ridicule he faced at first disappeared that night so that now
he was the highlight of the party.
The dancing was the biggest aspect of the night and despite his uncoordinated nature, Junior kept on dancing the whole night and
no one even mentions that he is poor, an Indian, or an outsider. That is what Junior like best about the
night, that he finally was fitting in in the wealthy,
racist town he attends school in. Junior and Penelope also are seen as an “item” by the whole school
and by pure association, Junior becomes popular.
Also, the second part of the evening was great for Junior but was also wildly unexpected. He was at
the restaurant with the cool jocks,
Penelope and he when the person who had bullied him, Roger, gave him money to pay for the food.
Despite his being Indian and despite Roger suspecting Junior was poor, the football star helped out
his “buddy”.
Both examples resulted in Junior being happy and feeling included. That is why this night for Junior
was categorized as the best one of his life.

Questions to Think About... feel free to make up your own!

How did the Winter Formal change Junior's perception of Reardan?

How does Junior now view his relationship with Penelope after he exposed himself for being shallow?

What do you think is next to come in the chapter novel?

How do you think Roger will act now that he knows Junior is poor?


  1. How do you think Roger will act now that he knows that Junior is poor?

    I think that at some point as much as I hate to say it that Roger is going to turn on Arnold. Now that Roger knows that Arnold is poor he can expose Arnold at anytime. Like Mr. Rossiter said the story takes you way up but then then it goes down down down… I think negative events may occur resulting in Arnold losing Penelope and all his friends. I know that Roger doesn't care that Arnold is poor right now but people’s opinions change and maybe someday that might happen. If this happens Arnold will also go way down in the social class and be known as poor Indian. So this leaves me with the question, do you think that Arnold will lose his respect from Penelope and everybody else?

  2. How do you think Roger will act now that he knows Junior is poor?

    I think that since now Roger knows that Junior is poor his family will be comforting and provide him with a ride home for most days. As the story has progressed Roger has become a much kinder individual and it would be bizarre if he started to act like a bully. On page 126 when Junior admits that he is poor Roger says, “Man, don't sweat it… I got you covered”. This quote shows how Roger wants Junior and Penelope to have a fantastic relationship and doesn't want his wealth getting in his way. Therefore, I think that Roger will continue to be the person he has been throughout the story and it wont change do to Juniors Financial state.

    1. I agree with Thomas because I feel that Roger changed the more he got to know Junior because he sees what Junior goes. Roger will probably stay the same and he will just become a better person throughout the rest of the story and he might have some up and downs with Junior.

  3. I think that the Winter Formal changed Junior’s perception of Reardan and especially his classmates in many ways. First, I think that this event was an eye opener for Junior, and he saw how kind his classmates could be to him. As he said on page 126 “I couldn’t believe he was so nice. He was, well he was POLITE! How many great football players are polite? And kind? And generous like that?” This portrays Junior’s disbelief in Roger’s kindness. Also on page 122 when Junior wrote “And every dude in the joint immediately wished he’d worn his father’s lame polyester suit.” All these events that took place on the night of the Formal show acts of kindness by the students which may boost Junior’s self esteem. These compliments that Junior is receiving may be deceiving in the long run though, and may end up harming him. I believe that some students may be treating Junior kindly because he has an affiliation with Penelope. As Junior said on page 123 “But Penelope was so popular, especially for a freshman, and I was popular by association.” This shows that he is liked because of his connection with Penelope. As he wrote on page 124 “I hated that he had a nickname for her.” This shows that Roger looks at Penelope in a way that Junior doesn’t like, and therefore, maybe Roger is being so nice to Junior (giving him money, driving him home etc.) in order to please and impress Penelope. As Junior has explained in various parts of this book, people act nice to him usually after Penelope complements him. This shows that most of their niceness is a result of Penelope’s kind actions, and they just do the same things that she does because they want to be her friend. Therefore, I think that the Winter Formal was a good event for Junior, however, the events that took place that night may have mislead Junior. How do you think Roger’s niceness will impact Junior?

  4. I think that Arnold now looks at Rearden in a completely different way, because at the Winter Formal, instead of humiliating himself as always, he actually realized that he started to become popular. Of course, this is only because he and Penelope are now considered a “couple” and probably if someone makes fun of him, then Penelope would back him up, and behind Penelope in the entire school. For example, Arnold’s and Roger’s friendship started off in an odd way, but now Roger is practically worshiping Arnold and does anything for him (giving him money etc). This shows that Roger is being nice to him because he wants to set a good image of him to Penelope. Also, kind of connecting to what Ana Chrysa said, Roger might be trying to show off to Penelope, which explains why he calls her names and everything. Do you think that Roger might be trying to gain Penelope’s interest?

  5. How does Junior now view his relationship with Penelope after he exposed himself for being shallow?

    Junior views their relationship as not only a relationship, but also a friendship after he exposes himself. He realizes that he has only been hanging out with Penelope because of her looks, while she'd been thinking of him a person: "I'd been thinking about her breasts and she'd been thinking about my whole life"(127). He should be thinking about Penelope's "whole life", too (127). With this new view of their relationship, he won't be afraid to ask Penelope for help and he'll understand Penelope more. If he needs a ride home or can't pay for an outing, he won't be afraid to ask. When Penelope tells him about her dream of being an architect, he won't "laugh at her eyes", but support her instead (111).

  6. I think that later in the novel that the students of Reardan will accept Junior. However, someone or an event will stab Junior right in the back as Junior begins to ease into the “Whindian” lifestyle . For example, we can assume that the relationship between Penelope and Junior is great, but one or the other messes up or does something wrong this could turn the plot in a whole other direction.This kind of like the “The Outsiders” because after the Greasers won the rumble the killing of Dallas in the shooting was harsh after having to accept the death of Johnny and it was kind of like a burst of action to take in such a little amount of time.

  7. I think Junior views Reardan differently after the dance because before, he felt very lonely, but now everybody is talking to him and he is having a great time, so he realizes that Reardan may not be as lonely as he thought it was. Junior and Penelope’s relationship changes once she realizes he’s poor into something deeper. Although they aren’t really dating anymore after that, they have become friends who are a lot closer now because they have both shared difficult parts of their lives that they haven’t told many people, and they were both supportive and kind to each other. So in a way, I think that Penelope and Junior’s relationship as friends grew. I think that since, in the last chapter of the reading, Junior talks about what might happen when Gordy and Rowdy meet, I think that they will meet soon. However, I think that Gordy and Rowdy might have some sort of conflict that might result in Junior getting hurt. Lastly, I think that Roger won’t really mind or be mean about Junior’s poverty, since he knew before Penelope, and he was still very nice. Also, Penelope explains that Roger is a very kind person, like a brother to her, and that he and Junior might become good friends, and that’s what I think will happen.

  8. How do you think Penelope will act now that she knows Junior is poor?

    I believe that Penelope will be a critical aspect of Junior’s life now that she understands that he is poor. When Penelope was going through her own form of pain and adversity, Junior was there to lend her some support and advice. I believe that after Junior helped Penelope through adversity, she was able to realize that he cared for her, and because of that, she cared for him too. She is now able to fully understand that Junior is going through his own form of pain and adversity, and because of the kindness he showed her, she is willing to help him deal with the pain of poverty. In conclusion, because Penelope now understands that Junior is poor, her character is going to be an influential part of Junior’s life; she cares for him, and now understands that “things are rough all over.”

  9. I think that Roger is not going to be friends with Arnold. I think the big down will be Roger sharing that Arnold’s family receives low income. Penelope believes and trusts Roger to not share Arnold’s secret. Roger is there for Penelope and her dad trusts him. When Roger thought that Arnold was poor, he did not want to say anything and so he told Penelope and she asked. I think Roger doesn’t like that Penelope is with Arnold because he wants to be seen as more than Arnold. Arnold was becoming known and more popular, because of this I think Roger was scared of being replaced. So to our Arnold farther down he will share his secret. -Riana


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