Monday, November 19, 2018

Why does Junior make a list of things he likes?
I think that Junior makes a list of good things in the world because so many bad things
have happened to him, he wants to see the good. He was depressed after his
grandmother and Eugene died, “I was joyless… I was so depressed that I thought about
dropping out of Reardan” (173). However, now that he sees that his classmates and
friends understand him and stand up for him, he feels hope, and he feels happier. Junior
knows that he isn’t alone, and although their protest didn’t go the way they had hoped,
Junior learned that there is still good in the world, and that there are still people who are
there for him. “I used to think the world was broken down by tribes… by black and white.
By Indian and white. But I know that isn’t true.” (176) So instead of focusing on all the bad
things in the world, Junior makes a list of all the good things in life, no matter how small.
He’s drawing things he doesn’t like, to relive his anger and sadness. “It became my
grieving ceremony.” (178) Now that Junior understands that the world can be horrible
and wonderful at the same time, I think he will be stronger and able to overcome more
challenges that may come in the future.

How do you think his classmates protest had an impact on him?
Why do you think Junior says that tears are the same as laughter?

How does Eugene’s death further effect Junior’s depression?


  1. Junior says that tears and laughter are the same thing.I think that Junior says this because both tears and laughter are signs of intense emotion rushes. When people are very depressed and sad, they cry and when people are very exuberant and joyous, they laugh. When the people at Grandmother Spirit's funeral cry, they are crying because they are sad that she is no longer around to talk to or be with. When they laugh, they are remembering her memory and all the great things that she did. So they are both laughing and crying at Grandmother Spirit's life and all the things she did. Therefore, laughter and sadness are one and the same.

  2. How does Eugene’s death further affect Junior’s depression?

    In Junior’s life, he has faced many difficulties; being poor, being Indian, having physical differences, but Eugene doesn’t care about all that. Eugene is the kind of crazy uncle figure who supports and encourages despite not being stable himself. He was praised early on by Junior and then went without much mention until the basketball game. At that point, a great moment took place when Eugene stitched Junior’s nose. This was a great symbol of his support and his kindness towards Junior. This kindness made the death that much harder for Junior. After the passing, he said that he felt hopeless because not only had his Grandma died, so did his supportive, living on the edge uncle. Personally, I think that Eugene was more important than Junior let on because Eugene seemed like he would do anything for Junior whether stitching his forehead or giving him a ride on his motorcycle. The death certainly makes it harder for Junior to emotionally rebound and it definitely affects his way of life.

  3. How does Eugene’s death further affected Junior’s depression?

    Eugene’s death further affected Junior’s depression because even though Eugene was a minor character, he supported Junior when no one else did, and Eugene comforted Junior when he was facing adversity. On one of Junior’s first days at Reardan, Eugene complimented Junior and stated that “it was pretty cool that he was doing this”(70). Eugene was one of the only people out of Junior’s family who believed that the fact that Junior was switching schools was a good decision. Eugene himself could have become a basketball star if he was better educated. From this part of text, I am able to infer that Eugene wanted Junior to have a quality education because he himself was not as fortunate. When Junior faced adversity and was bullied during the basketball game, Eugene boosted Junior’s confidence by stating that he was “cool.” In conclusion, Eugene was a supportive character who believed in Junior when no one else did. Without Eugene, Junior is likely to lose hope because he will feel more alone and will lack confidence in his own actions and capabilities.

  4. How do you think his classmates protest had an impact on him?

    His classmates protest showed him there was joy in the world at a time where he was joyless. After the protest, "[he] kept trying to find the little pieces of joy in his life" (176) instead of thinking about how "[He] has cursed his family" or his anger towards God (173). His classmates' protest probably saved him from suicide: "I could have easily killed myself... " (173). Their protest also showed him that they cared about him. Before the protest he felt that he still didn't quite fit in, but now he feels like he's a full fledged member of the Rearden community thanks to their support.


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