Thursday, November 8, 2018

Why is Junior hesitant to tell Rowdy? Why does he tell him? How does Rowdy react? Why does he react this way?
Junior hesitates to tell Rowdy about him switching schools because they have been close friends for a very long time. He tells him the news eventually because he did not want Rowdy to think that he just walked away from the Rez and did not say anything. Arnold does not want to separate from Rowdy but he knows moving to Reardon is the right choice for him. “I want you to come with me” (49). Junior wants Rowdy he to stay with him and come to Reardon. Rowdy is not willing to come to Reardon with Junior and he wants to stay at the Rez. Rowdy takes this the wrong way because he thinks Arnold wants to prove he is better than Rowdy by going to a better school. Rowdy wants Arnold to stay because he won’t have anybody here with him at the Rez. Arnold puts his hand on Rowdy’s shoulders to try and comfort him. Rowdy doesn’t want to be comforted and he slaps Arnold across the face. In the moment, Arnold felt like an idiot. He knew transferring to Reardon was the right choice and he had to do it or he believed he was going to die. Do you think it is the right decision for Arnold to go to Reardan? Do you think Rowdy will turn around and say yes later on? Why or why not? -Riana


  1. I think that Arnold made the right decision in choosing to go to Rearden. If stayed at the reservation any longer, he'd end up depressed and hopeless like the rest of his family. By attending a school "where more than half the graduating class went to college"(56) he boosts his chances of fulfilling his dream of being a cartoonist and breaking the chain of poverty in his family. At Rearden he will have a better education and more hope. Even though he will face many difficulties as demonstrated in the chapter "How to Fight Monsters", it will be worth it.

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  3. I think that Arnold made the right decision in choosing to go to Rearden. If stayed at the reservation any longer, he'd end up depressed and hopeless like the rest of his family. By attending a school "where more than half the graduating class went to college"(56) he boosts his chances of fulfilling his dream of being a cartoonist and breaking the chain of poverty in his family. At Rearden he will have a better education and more hope. Even though he will face many difficulties as demonstrated in the chapter "How to Fight Monsters", it will be worth it. How would you feel if you were Junior? What will Rowdy do now?


Why does Junior feel he wants to get back to school? What happens when he gets there?--Mika Junior wants to go back to schoo...